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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

clear skies.

i feel like i should redeem myself and write a post with some know something worth reading? it's been some time since i have posted a lengthy update and i feel today would be best. perhaps i am feeling happier than i have recently or maybe this beautiful weather we are having is taking effect on my mood.

i have become so worn out and exhausted that i felt like collapsing this morning after my cup of coffee. i can attribute this to my lack of physical activity over the winter months. i recently signed up for the 5 borough bike tour as well, my only hope is that i can make through the demanding 42 mile trek. my cardiovascular health has gone down the drain, and i have only a month and a half to get back into respectable form.
curse you, northeast winters!

thankfully the weather has been turning around and i can finally partake in my daily runs and bike sessions. what more can i look forward to? perhaps women in skimpy outfits? that's always a plus.

this is my life as of late. will i remain the nice guy who is too shy to start initiate anything with a member of the opposite sex?

or should i turn against all my beliefs and morals and act like an ass? it seems to work well with the ladies. i have grown tired of being ignored just because women think they can take advantage of my kindness.

what else is there? i have made some friends with some very nice people over the course of writing this blog. i encourage anyone to write me, i get bored and lonely at times and it's those emails that make my day and bring a smile to my face.

i am thankful for my good friends that i have in my life.
here is to the up and up weather we will be experiencing quite soon. =)
can't say so much for my life, but i will take things in stride.

until next time.
-nyc virgin

Monday, March 7, 2011

fuck me.

what's so great about being a virgin?
i am fucking horny all the damn time...

wake up to wet dreams from time to time. (not a pleasant feeling)
my life has been pretty mundane as of late. haven't been going out. haven't had much sleep. been very out of shape. exhausted from everything.

i masturbate from 1-5 times per day. i should be endorsing some of name brand lotions out there.

i guess i could use some cheering up... =(

Saturday, March 5, 2011

update!'s been a long time since i have posted huh?

life is busy! busy as in research papers, work, family issues and etc.
i am so ready to just check out and go somewhere where i don't know anyone.

for all of you who were wondering...yes, i am still a virgin! :::gasp:::

there have been no developments on that front but i can tell you that i remain a voracious masturbation machine.

sigh...i want to have sex so bad.
just a brief update today as i have to get back to work.